The Rules of the Association: Nirodha ry

(translated from Finnish using ChatGPT)

  1. Name and Domicile of the Association

The name of the association is Nirodha ry and its domicile is Helsinki.

  1. Purpose and Nature of Operations

The purpose of the association is to promote meditation and to help individuals through meditation practices to liberate themselves from all unnecessary suffering and dissatisfaction.

To achieve its purpose, the association, without seeking profit, shall:

  • organize meditative retreats, hikes, and similar events
  • arrange teaching sessions and social gatherings
  • engage in publishing activities within its field
  • establish and maintain meditation groups
  • translate literature and texts
  • collaborate with other organizations in Finland and internationally
  • maintain its own website
  • establish and maintain a meditative community

To support its activities, the association may accept donations, own real and personal property for its operations, and conduct lotteries and fundraising events with appropriate permits.

  1. Members

Any person who accepts the purpose and rules of the association may become a member.

Membership is approved by the association’s board upon application.

  1. Resignation and Dismissal of Members

A member has the right to resign from the association by notifying the board or its chairman in writing or by announcing the resignation at a meeting of the association to be recorded in the minutes.

The board may dismiss a member from the association if the member has failed to pay their due membership fee or otherwise failed to fulfill the obligations they committed to upon joining the association, or if their actions, either within or outside the association, have significantly harmed the association, or if they no longer meet the conditions of membership as specified in the law or the association’s rules.

  1. Admission and Membership Fees

The amount of the admission fee and annual membership fee to be charged from the members is determined by the annual general meeting.

  1. Board

The affairs of the association are managed by a board, consisting of a chairman elected at the annual general meeting and at least two and at most eight ordinary members, as well as at least one and at most eight deputy members.

The term of office for the board is the period between annual general meetings.

The board elects from among its members a vice-chairman and appoints a secretary, treasurer, and other necessary officials either from among its members or from outside.

The board convenes at the invitation of the chairman or, in his absence, the vice-chairman, whenever they deem it necessary or when at least half of the board members so demand.

The board has a quorum when at least half of its members, including the chairman or vice-chairman, are present. Decisions are made by a simple majority vote. In case of a tie, the chairman’s vote decides, but in elections, the decision is made by drawing lots.

  1. Signing the Association’s Name

The association’s name is signed by the chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, or treasurer, each individually. The board may grant personal signing rights to another person.

  1. Financial Year and Audit

The association’s financial year is the calendar year.

The financial statements with necessary documents and the board’s annual report must be submitted to the auditors no later than four weeks before the annual general meeting. The auditors must provide their written opinion to the board no later than two weeks before the annual general meeting.

  1. Association Meetings

Members may participate in association meetings by mail or through telecommunications or other technical means if the board or the meeting so decides.

The annual general meeting of the association shall be held annually on a date determined by the board between January and May.

An extraordinary meeting shall be held when decided by the association meeting or when the board deems it necessary, or when at least one-tenth (1/10) of the association’s voting members demand it in writing for a specific purpose announced by the board. The meeting must be held within thirty days of the demand being presented to the board.

Each member of the association has one vote at association meetings.

The decision of the association meeting is made by the opinion supported by more than half of the votes cast, unless otherwise provided in the rules. In case of a tie, the chairman of the meeting has the deciding vote, but in elections, the decision is made by drawing lots.

  1. Convening Association Meetings

The board must convene association meetings at least seven days before the meeting by mail or email to the address provided by the member.

  1. Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting of the association shall address the following matters:

1. opening of the meeting 

2. election of the chairman, secretary, two minutes reviewers, and, if necessary, two vote counters 

3. confirmation of the legality and quorum of the meeting 

4. approval of the agenda of the meeting 

5.presentation of the financial statements, annual report, and auditor’s opinion 

6. decision on the approval of the financial statements and granting discharge from liability to the board and other accountable persons 

7. approval of the action plan, budget, and membership and admission fees

8. election of the chairman and other members of the board

9. election of one or two auditors and their deputy auditors 

10. consideration of other matters mentioned in the meeting invitation.

If a member of the association wishes to have an item considered at the association’s annual general meeting, they must notify the board in writing well in advance so that the item can be included in the meeting invitation.

  1. Amendment of Rules and Dissolution of the Association

A decision to amend the rules and to dissolve the association must be made at an association meeting by at least three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast. The meeting invitation must mention the amendment of rules or dissolution of the association.

Upon dissolution of the association, the association’s assets shall be used for the purpose of promoting the association’s purpose in the manner determined by the meeting deciding on the dissolution. If the association is liquidated, its assets shall be used for the same purpose.

Kategoria(t): Uncategorized. Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.
