This dharma evening will be a conversation exploring dharma practice, engagement, as well as the themes of compassion and wisdom in the midst of the unfolding crisis in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel. Juha Penttilä will interview Zohar Lavie, who along with Nathan Glyde has been offering Being Peace retreats in Palestine since 2006. There will also be space for comments and questions from the audience.
Osallistuvan harjoituksen ilta – online-dharma-ilta
Tässä dharma-illassa keskustellaan dharman harjoittamisesta, osallistuvasta harjoituksesta, sekä myötätunnon ja viisauden teemoista suhteessa Gazan, Länsirannan ja Israelin kriisiin. Juha Penttilä haastattelee Zohar Lavieta, joka Nathan Glyden kanssa on järjestänyt ja ohjannut Being Peace -retriittejä Palestiinassa vuodesta 2006 lähtien. Illassa on myös tilaa yleisön kommenteille ja kysymyksille.
Date: 14.2.24
Time: 18.00-19.30
Click here to register for this event.
ZOHAR LAVIE has been practising meditation in different traditions since 1995. This journey has taken her from the meditation cushion into exploring further ways of expressing truth and love and in 2004 she co-founded SanghaSeva. She now spends most of her time facilitating retreats that offer service as a spiritual path around the world. Since 2006 she has been teaching on silent retreats and Dharma gatherings in India, Europe and Israel.
JUHA PENTTILÄ has been practicing meditation since 2002. He has spent extended periods of time on retreats and in monasteries in Asia and Europe and is one of the founding members of Nirodha, the Finnish Insight Meditation practice community. Juha completed his Insight Meditation teacher training in 2020. In addition to exploring meditation, Juha’s teaching is influenced by the current climate crisis and engaged perspectives into the Dharma.