Insight Meditation Retreat 21.-26.4.2011 in Nurmijärvi
The Buddha’s teachings offer us a way to open to the wide range of pleasure and pain, gain and loss, joy and sorrow that is part of our human life. This retreat will encourage an awareness of our experience as it arises in each moment, infused with kindness and compassion. Guidance will be provided in how to meet challenges of body, heart and mind with compassionate presence. In doing so, we can discover true freedom without rejecting any aspect of ourselves. Our mindfulness practice will be supported by periods of lovingkindness (metta) meditation.
This insight meditation (vipassana) retreat is suitable for both beginners and advanced meditators. For beginners, the retreat is a great way to learn the basics of insight meditation and see its effects clearly. For advanced meditators, the retreat offers an excellent opportunity to deepen and clarify one’s practice in the guidance of an experienced teacher.
The retreat is held in English. The days are spent in silence and consist of sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, work period, small group discussions and individual interviews. Vegetarian breakfast, lunch, and a light dinner are served during the retreat. The venue of the retreat is Märkiön leirikeskus in Nurmijärvi, about 45 km north of Helsinki.
The retreat will be taught by Patricia Genoud-Feldman. She has been practicing Buddhist meditation (Vipassana and Dzogchen) in Asia and the West since 1984. She has practiced under the guidance of Sayadaw U Pandita and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Patricia has completed her teacher training at the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in USA under the guidance of Joseph Goldstein. Patricia has been teaching Vipassana meditation since 1997 in the biggest European and American insight meditation centers. She is a co-founder of the Vimalakirti Meditation Center in Switzerland. Patricia is a well-liked teacher and we are happy to have her teach in Finland now for the third time. Patricia’s dharma talks can be listened to at
The price of the retreat is 185 euros. For those who register after April 7th, the price is 205 euros. The retreat cost covers the traveling expenses of the teachers, the rent of the retreat facility, and the food expenses. The pay of the teacers and the organizers is not included in the cost; instead, the retreatants may support the teachers and the organizers by donations after the retreat.
Please send your registrations / inquiries to us at We will send the registration form and more detailed information to those who have expressed their interest.
Please check our website for information on our weekly sittings, silent practice days, and other upcoming retreats.
Best regards,
Anne Patrikainen (tel. +358-40-5339812)
Ilkka Urvas (tel. +358-50-4543000)