In this retreat we will practice Vipassana or Insight meditation, which is the simple and direct moment-to-moment observation of the mind/body process with relaxed, open and careful attention. This kind of awareness and clear seeing reveals that whatever arises in our experience is simply the display of natural and impersonal conditions. As we learn to observe our life experience from a place of stillness and balance, insight and wisdom arises as a natural result.
We will also practice Metta or Kindness meditation, which develops the heart’s capacity for friendliness, patience and acceptance.
Qigong is a holistic system of coordinated movements, breathing and awareness used for health, spirituality and martial arts training. With roots in Chinese medicine and philosophy, Qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance “chi” or ”life energy”. We will do Qigong outside as much as weather permits. Bring lose fitting, warm clothes for that purpose.
The combination of Vipassana and Qigong has a beneficial healing effect by relaxing the sitting, walking and standing postures and calming the mind.
This silent retreat will draw primarily on teachings from the Theravada Buddhist tradition, emphasizing continuity of present moment awareness as the foundation for clear seeing and the arising of wisdom. The format will include instruction in both Vipassana and Metta meditation, daily periods of Qigong or walking meditation, and meetings with the teachers. This retreat is suitable for both beginning and experienced students of meditation/Qigong.
Teachings are offered in English. The retreat includes a daily breakfast, lunch and light dinner, all vegetarian. Participants stay in 2-4 person rooms. The retreat will take place at the Friendship Inn, which is located in Kruusila, near Salo, on the shore of beautiful Lake Pernjärvi.
Who are the teachers?
Marie Ericsson started to meditate 1970 with S N Goenka in Bodh Gaya, India. Since then she has also practiced in Thailand, Myanmar, England and USA. Her main teachers are Joseph Goldstein, Sayadaw U Pandita, Sayadaw U Tejaniya, and Leigh Brasington, among other Asian and Western teachers. Marie has been an active member of Vipassanagruppen in Sweden since it started 1986 and since 1998 has led the weekly sitting group as well as teaching numerous retreats. In her teaching, Marie draws from her years of experience with different approaches to Vipassana meditation, in order to explore and practice the Buddha’s instructions in the Satipatthana Sutta. Relaxation, lightheartedness and humor are also important parts of her teaching style.
Marie is the author of a book called ”Kom och se – om meditation och theravadabuddhism”. (Come and see – about meditation and Theravada Buddhism). It is only available in Swedish language.
Ragnvald Jonsson became interested in different ways to use movements already at an early age. His path has consisted of an exploration of how movements can contribute to human development and a deeper awareness. He learned Shibashi Qigong, 18 movements, from Franz Moeckl. This is the style of Qigong he will teach on this retreat.
Ragnvald is also a trained Sports teacher and a Waldorf teacher. He has worked many years at a school/treatment center for young people with neuropsychiatric disabilities as a Special Educator – Specialist Sensomotorik. He is also a certified Mindfulness instructor and he utilizes Mindfulness and Qigong in his work, both with students and staff.
How much does it cost? How can I sign up?
The base price is 135 euros, but it is also possible to pay more or less than this. You may sign up by paying the registration fee and filling in the registration form. More information about the price, registration and other details.
Warm regards,
Tuulikki Hukka (+358 50 432 9241)