In 2006 after an encounter with a beggar on the streets of Xian, Tony Day ended up founding The Yellow River Soup Kitchen, a charity organisation providing meals for the hungry and the homeless in China. Inspired by meditation and a life of service Tony has been actively involved in organising and developing the soup kitchen for the past ten years.
Our evening will begin with a guided meditation, after which we will explore the themes of work, meditation and the dharma together with Tony.
The evening will be held at the Buddhist Center Sampo, Vetehisenkuja 3. The doors will open at 6 pm and the meditation will begin at 6.30. We will finish at 8.30 pm, after which it is possible to stay for tea. The evening is offered on a donation basis.
For more information about The Yellow River Soup Kitchen in China see:
The evening is offered by Nirodha and Vihreä Buddha.