Embodying a Heart of Wisdom
On this retreat we will explore awareness as the foundation for cultivating clarity, understanding and insight into our human experience. We will investigate both the causes of stress and the causes of genuine happiness. We will examine what it means to abide with kindness and awareness in the midst of life, so we can live with a genuine non-reactive freedom wherever we are.
As well as sitting and walking insight meditation practice, we will emphasize integrating loving kindness and compassion into all moments of the retreat. This allows a kind embrace of ourselves and connects us intimately with each other and the world. There will be meditation instructions, Dharma talks and opportunities to meet with the teachers. The retreat is held in silence and is suitable for experienced and newer students to meditation.
The meditation techniques we practice are over 2,500 years old and are mostly based on the Theravada Buddhist tradition. Taking part in the retreat does not, however, require an adherence to Buddhism or any adaptation of personal faith.
Why take part in the retreat? What happens on a retreat?
The retreat is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Beginners have a chance to become familiar with basic meditation techniques and to see their effects clearly in practice, so a retreat is a good way to begin a meditation practice. For experienced meditators, a retreat is a great opportunity to deepen and clarify their practice under the guidance of qualified teachers.
The retreat is held in English. The days are spent in silence and consist of sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, work period, small group discussions and individual interviews. The retreat includes a daily breakfast, lunch and light dinner, all vegetarian. Participants stay in 2-4 person rooms. The retreat will take place at the Friendship Inn, which is located in Kruusila, near Salo, on the shore of beautiful Lake Pernjärvi.
Who are the teachers?
The retreat will be taught by Zohar Lavie and Nathan Glyde. Zohar has been practicing meditation in different traditions since 1995. This journey has taken her from the meditation cushion into exploring further ways of expressing truth and love and in 2004 she co-founded SanghaSeva. She now spends most of her time facilitating retreats that offer service as a spiritual path around the world. Since 2006 she has been teaching on silent retreats and in India, Europe and Israel, and since 2007 facilitating Dharma gatherings in India.
Nathan began meditating in 1997 and began teaching on silent meditation retreats in 2006. From a continued exploration of meditation on silent retreats grew a deep love of silence and the power of stillness. The realisation of the potential of every moment to become a moment of awakening provoked an exploration of meditation in daily life activities. An urge to offer retreats that offer deep connection in an active life led to the initiative in 2004 of SanghaSeva. Nathan has been facilitating Dharma gatherings in India since 2007.
Talks and guided meditations by Zohar and Nathan.
How much does it cost? How can I sign up?
The retreat is full. You may sign up for the waiting list by filling in the registration form. Don’t pay the registration fee! The base price is 200 euros. More information about the price, registration and other details here.
Warm regards,
Tuulikki Hukka +358 50 432 9242
Joonas Koskinen +358 46 590 3646