A Retreat on Belonging
We warmly invite you to join us on this retreat exploring the theme of belonging.
Together, we’ll create a space to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the deeper truths of our lives. Through guided meditations, silent sittings, Dharma reflections, and discussion, we’ll explore how the sense of belonging is not something we earn or achieve but something we uncover, moment by moment, when we lean into presence. Whether you’re new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, this retreat welcomes you exactly as you are. There’s no “right” way to belong—just the courage to show up and be curious.
The meditation techniques we practice are over 2,500 years old and are mostly based on the Theravada Buddhist tradition. However, taking part in the retreat does not require an adherence to Buddhism or any adaptation of personal faith.
Why take part in the retreat? What happens on a retreat?
The retreat is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Beginners have a chance to become familiar with basic meditation techniques and to see their effects clearly in practice, so a retreat is a good way to begin a meditation practice. For experienced meditators, a retreat is a great opportunity to deepen and clarify their practice under the guidance of qualified teachers.
Teachings are offered mainly in English. The daily routine consists mostly of sitting and walking meditation and also includes instructions for meditation, an evening talk, a working period and a voluntary exercise of mindful movement. The retreat is held in silence except during individual or group interviews with a teacher.
The retreat includes a daily breakfast, lunch and light dinner, all vegan. Participants stay in 2-4 person rooms. The retreat will take place at the Friendship Inn, which is located in Kruusila, near Salo, on the shore of beautiful Lake Pernjärvi.
Who are the teachers?

Since 1995, Vinny Ferraro has practiced insight meditation. He is the Guiding Teacher of the Big Heart City Sangha in San Francisco and has led a weekly sitting group for the last 20 years. As a fully empowered Dharma Teacher through Spirit Rock/IMS, he has taught residential retreats at Internationally.
Currently, Ferraro leads Spirit Rock’s Year to Live course. He is a respected leader in developing and implementing interventions for incarcerated populations.
How much does it cost? How can I sign up?
The base price is 240 euros, but it is also possible to pay more or less than this. Sign up for the retreat and find out more information about the price, registration and other practical details here.
Marianne & John Woodbury (registration), retriitit2@nirodha.fi