”Insight Dialogue is an interpersonal meditation practice. It brings the mindfulness and tranquility of silent meditation directly into our experience with other people. As humans, we are relational beings; as we begin to wake up, clarity and freedom can illuminate our relationships with others.”
With this practice we extend our personal silent mode of meditation to the sphere of relationship through speaking and listening, when invited by the teacher. Specific instructions and dharma contemplations will support the Insight Dialogue practice which will be combined each day with Vipassana practice. These meditation techniques are over 2500 years old and draw from the Theravada Buddhist tradition. However, taking part in the retreat does not require an adherence to Buddhism or any adaptation of personal faith.
This retreat is suitable for experienced meditators, the minimum requirement is one 5-day silent retreat (in any tradition).
Teachings are offered in English.
Online format of the retreat
The retreat starts on Friday November 20th, with one practice session 5:00-9:00pm.
The schedule for Saturday and Sunday includes three practice sessions:
Session 1: 7-8:30am
Session 2: 10am-1pm
Session 3: 2:30-5:30pm
The current conditions we are living in open up challenges as well as possibilities. We can turn to practice as an immediate resource, and as an opportunity to deepen our practice and understanding. A home based retreat offers a chance to nourish our practice through support from teachers as well as the community of other practitioners. The retreat has been designed to invite spaciousness and depth of practice. Session 1 will include meditative movement & sitting practice, sessions 2 & 3 will include guided individual meditation, Insight Dialogue meditation in dyads, small groups and the whole group, walking meditation and away from screen time.
It is strongly encouraged to attend all three sessions, as they interweave and build upon each other. However, we are aware that the conditions vary between us in terms of how much available time people have, whether we can immerse in the retreat or have responsibility towards those around us. We would like this retreat to support the whole range of conditions that participants find themselves in. Sessions 2 and 3 (in bold) are essential to attend.
Who is the teacher?

Rosalie Dores is an Insight Dialogue teacher. She has taught online programs, as well as workshops and retreats in Europe and Asia. She encountered this transformative practice in 2006 and it has informed her life and work ever since. Rosalie has practiced meditation and yoga since 1992, beginning with Goenka Vipassana, and currently practices within the Theravada and Insight meditation communities. Dharma study and practice are central to her life. She is a dedicated Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher, trainer and supervisor, who emphasizes the somatic dimension of experience in all of her teaching. Rosalie lives in the UK.
Rosalie will be assisted on this retreat by Suvi Laukkanen.
Price and donations
The base price is 30 euros. This covers the practical expenses of the retreat.
We feel that financial situation should not prevent anybody from participating, so we are willing to offer the retreat for a reduced price, if needed. If the base price is too high for you, please contact us at and let us know how much you are able to pay. If you would like to help sponsor someone who does not have the financial means to pay the full price, you are welcome to pay more than the base price.
The teachers and organizers do not receive any payment for their services but offer them freely so that as many as possible have the chance to benefit from the teachings regardless of financial situation. This principle of generosity is very central to the teachings of the Buddha and has made it possible to continue the practice of meditation still 2,500 years after his life. The teachers live primarily off of donations. Retreat participants may support the teachers and organizers by donations at the end of the retreat – we ask that you take a credit card or cash with you for this purpose.
Registration and cancellation policy
You can sign up for the retreat by filling in the registration form and paying the retreat price by 17th of November. You will get a confirmation email after we have received the form and your payment. Pay the retreat price, 30 euros, to the following bank account:
Account number: FI84 4108 0010 3769 97
Bank name: Oma Säästöpankki
Bank address: Valtakatu 32, 53100 LAPPEENRANTA, Finland
Swift code: ITELFIHH
Name of bank account holder: Nirodha ry
Address of the account holder: Vetehisenkuja 3, 00530 Helsinki
Type of account: business account
Reference number: 3020113 (It is important to use this reference number in the payment!)
Alternatively, you can pay via PayPal. Make the payment to Please include the reference number above in the “note” field. The due date for the final payment is the same as above.
In case of cancellation, please inform us as soon as possible. Unfortunately we cannot refund the retreat fee.
If you have anything to ask, please contact us at We wish everyone a rewarding and meaningful retreat!
Anna Backholm, 040 536 2946
Ulla Sillanpää, 040 536 4181 (registrations)