Meditation Retreat 16.-25.10.2015 in Kruusila, Finland

Jhanas and Satipatthana

This retreat will emphasize the application of the meditative absorptions, the Jhanas, in a regular sitting practice. The Jhanas are a method of one-pointed concentration taught in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. The retreat will emphasize the teaching of this technique and the relationship of the Jhanas to the Vipassana practices in the Satipatthana Suttas.

This retreat is suitable only for experienced meditators with regular meditation practice and prior experience from at least one week-long retreat (in any Buddhist tradition).

The retreat will be taught by Leigh Brasington. He has been practicing meditation since 1985 and is the senior American student of the late Ven. Ayya Khema. She confirmed his practice and requested that he begin teaching. Leigh assisted Ven. Ayya Khema starting in 1994, and has been leading retreats on his own since 1997 in both Europe and North America. For more details see Leigh’s Web Site.

The retreat is held in English. The days are spent in noble silence and consist of sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, work period and personal interviews. Vegetarian breakfast, lunch, and a light dinner are served during the retreat. The venue of the retreat is The Friendship Inn in Kruusila near Salo, about 100 km west of Helsinki, Finland.

How much does it cost? How can I sign up?

The base price of the retreat is 250 euros. The retreat cost covers the traveling expenses of the teacher, the rent of the retreat facility, and the food expenses. The teacher and the organizers do not receive any payment for their services; instead, the retreatants can support the teacher and the organizers by donations after the retreat.
The retreat is now fully booked.

You can reserve a place at the retreat by first paying the registration fee 30 euros to Nirodha’s account
Bank name: LähiTapiola Pankki
Bank address: Revontulenkuja 1, Espoo
Swift code: TAPIFI22
Name of bank account holder: Nirodha ry
Address of the account holder: Vetehisenkuja 3, 00530 Helsinki
Account number: FI83 3636 3010 8888 24
Type of account: business account
Reference number: 1020157
and then fill out the electronic application form at

The rest of the retreat fee (220 euros in case of the base price) should be paid by September 11th. In case of cancellations the registration fee is not refundable. If the cancellation takes place before September 11th, the rest of the retreat fee will be returned.

We feel that financial situation should not prevent anybody from participating, so we are willing to offer the retreat for a reduced price, if needed. If the base price is too high for you, please contact us at and let us know how much you are able to pay. If you would like to support those in dire financial situation, you can pay more than the base price.

If you have any questions, you can send us an e-mail at

Best regards,
Tuulikki Hukka (+358 50 432 9241)
